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Router Firmware Adventure!

posted on : 6/17/2024

over the course of the last week, ive been trying to hack my family's router. it is a netgear router, and i've found some pretty menial services on it, with nothing seeming to be super vulnerable. i did find that it was using php to host its webpages, which could mean i could pull a revshell from that. i need to do more research on that front, espeically because i also found an interesting service open that might allow me to send a file to it. i also want to test for XSS at some point.

firmware reversing!

i also popped open my ghidra to ttry and poke around on it. i found a png floating around in the bytes, which was interesting. i downloaded the firm from the offical site, which you can find for each specific router for a firmware update. i haven;t found too much in the way of vulnerablities, however, it is interesting nonetheless.