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electronic alchemy

i do hacking and malware development for fun! (ETHICALLY!!!) (PLEAS UNFLAG MY GITHUB!!!) update my github is unflagged

i like binary exploitation as well (still learning) and am pretty ametuerish at a lot of this stuff. i want to make more friends in cybrspace who are into this side of programming. my goal is to become a security researcher.

i also reside in git.gay

code blog!

i like to write mainly in c# rn because i like abusing the .NET Framework. hacking wise i'm not the world best web attacker but i love active directory and am learning more about IOT abuse as well as binary exploitation. msg me anywhere for more info!

some projects ive worked on:

have some bytes i found in router firmware

************************************************************** * FUNCTION * ************************************************************** undefined FUN_0582fb72() undefined r0:1 FUN_0582fb72 0582fb72 b5 8b 46 9f strlt r4,[r11,#0x69f] 0582fb76 98 72 63 ee ldmdals r2!,{r1,r2,r3,r5,r6,r7,r8,r9,sp,lr}^ 0582fb7a c4 a5 ff e0 strtgt pc,[r5],#0xfe0 0582fb7e 5f d3 a6 4f swipl 0xd3a64f 0582fb82 51 04 f2 8f smlabbpl r4,pc,r2,pc 0582fb86 6d 8f 45 c2 stcvs p5,cr4,[pc,#0x308] 0582fb8a 9d 0c b3 d8 stcls p3,cr11,[r12,#-0x360] 0582fb8e 9b 2c 6f 1c blls SUB_0634b806 0582fb92 18 b9 b6 65 ldmiane r9!,{r0,r2,r5,r6,r9,r10,r12,sp,pc} 0582fb96 de 3e 5f 6d cdple p15,0x3,cr5,cr14,cr13,0x3 0582fb9a 3a f6 94 32 bcc LAB_055d4c6a 0582fb9e 6b 35 5f bc blvs SUB_06587a96 0582fba2 ea 35 d6 2d b LAB_065a545e