Home Music Blog Digital Alchemy Gates

Realmwide Annoucement: The Book of Were-Wolves has opened!

Welcome To My Island!

I go by Grimm, Asclepius, Aegir, and peroxidee online! I am hacker, music producer, and malware creator! this world is home realm, where i will most likely link every single other thing i am present on from! you can find all sorts of gates to other realms around here.
Currently, I am a college student in Southern California. I go by they/doom/sleep prns! this page is pro-lgbtq!

"wait!!! i opened the wrong portal!!" no worries! use this escape portal to go back to your own world :)

Feel free to look around, and see if you can find any secrets too!

more about me! 🜏

from plasticdino from plasticdino from plasticdino

profile 🜍

i am a level 20 technomancer / alchemist multiclass!

buttons! 🜐

remblanc max's apartment

other worlds i've visited and found cool! access them through these gates :3

lets b friends! here's my button :3 đŸœȘ

and here's the code for it!

🜠 webrings / guilds 🜯


kingsoft 2002 ait


in which i install chinese software!

Now Playing : â™Ș aggregator - i.luv.werewolves â™Ș