spiraling yet |
exploring and reversring (?) go2 unitree in midairposted on : 7/3/2024im decomping as registers, might switch that later, not super set in stone with that... anyways here's a series of registers and variables i found at the top of the file.
not fully sure about what all of these mean, but s_uuid makes me wonder if there's a way to abuse that for some sort of uac escalation. i need to test more, but i will search in the dump to see if it's called or reapeated anywhere else. its an array of bytes 16 lengthwise. s_magic looks a little silly teehee....
at memory location of 09efc543 and extending to 09efcca4 seems to be series of symbols related to math/distance and some form of calulcation. next, going deeper, this seemed interesting, but i think it's jsut part of the setup of how the firm ware works, and it seeems to set up utf and some error catching.
okay werk next i was snooping around and found this ...
this seems glaringly interesting to be something related to a nfs root share?? not sure if this is how rooting is achived, but i wanted to highlight this because if it's possible to abuse this without needing to reflash the entire robot :whoag: if there is a user named legion, and they have some sorta root share, we should attempt to acccess legion. there are large portions of the dump filled with 00h btyes which i belive are nullbytes and not something i need to foucs on too much. im doign this decomp again in the air, no google. i found this string in the dump too '"RAybRAy!"', no clue what that means but maybe a password or smth dot dot dot
qucik break to put on a movie on the seatback tv (i chose twilight)
i then found a section that seems to describe debugging :woahg: :wolf_o_face:
this is addmitedly very large and also kinda consfuing to read, i cannot fully tell if they are actual lke functions, but i don't think so. they seem more than anything like some sort of classes and otherwise. immedtialy following' its a bucnh of nullbytes...until you hit this
this seems like something that bot can use to generate it's video or intake lidar/video. the pixels makes me think of that because it could be converting them into an array to process and pool. the avergaing could be for the pooling functions...hmmmmuhc to think about ..... immedtaialy following i want to feel like i am confirmed with averaging and image generation or processing
after this section, it seems to keep averaging out some pixels, which again, makes me think that this part could have to do with the picture or LiDAR, but i want to find some more evidence of the LiDAR being called or used or processed. im investigatng this in order to figured out more of it's fucntionality and see how it processes certain things.
poking around in some other places, there seems to be refs to a CRON job running in the background.
anyways i found a regex string, i;ll have to search later when i have net to figure out whats itds deounggg
next, i found this piece of the dump
which actually looks like our first possible reference to cyclone dds....whoa... (bella's actress is so funny in twilight omg cloes your mouth divaaa)
alarm noise alarm noise alarm noise i found a reference to the websocket......
this goes til 2c61ab59, contained with all sorts of connection information, ping timeouts, which i can assume is helpful for the network connectivity as well as the wireless-controller.cpp file that i was looking at way eariler yesterday.... this could be where it is sending outbound informaitonnn this also keeps going til, which i am not sure but the directory seems to be referening some tws (which i am not sure whaht i means but i have included my theories..)
- twilight woke switch
- tcp wireless sent
- total wireless sendings
- telnet wireless stats
after this there's some system operations, with stderr and the like, but these looked interesting. (girl someone just ugly coughed in the plane oh my godddd)
now a little further after all these fun types of functions (perhaps?) (api calls???), there's this interesting bit
xcb_get_geometry...why are you fetching geo...because....because..bueacse LiDAR !!!! :gasp: after that its supposed to be a series of commands and bins and whoaaa as well as things to define how to interact with the GPU and LLVM.
thats what i have so far, some functions on how it processes data n stuff. im stopping at an arch call :3, specially the memory addr of `3432b9d0`